photo d'un datacenter de OVH

OVH: The French hosting company soon to be listed on the stock exchange?

A true figurehead of cloud computing made in France, OVH is considering the capital market.

The already tough competition from Cloud providers on the stock markets is raging but the arrival of OVH in the big leagues risks making a big splash in this small microcosm of Cloud Computing services. Indeed, according to rumors, OVH would be in the process of going public which will not displease future investors. According to our sources, this is likely to happen faster than we think, and this listing on the stock markets will probably take place at the beginning of next year, in 2021. For the preparation of the IPO, the OVH company would have chosen Rothshild & Co.

For the moment and according to information relayed by Bloomberg, it seems that the ongoing discussions concerning OVH’s IPO is disrupted by the current situation. Specialists have in fact noted that the number of IPOs had fallen sharply, even on the New York market. From an economic point of view, the public opening of OVH’s capital would be a good thing for France, in fact, in this year is very special, there are only three IPOs registered. A figure which may not change given current trends.

Despite a shaky international economy, OVH is doing well!

This very fresh news reinforces the future of OVH, in fact its status as European leader in accommodation is strengthened with more than a million customers around the world. Recently, in June to be precise, a study carried out by the Forrester firm on the subject of the French private cloud showed that in addition to its leading position in Europe, OVH is beginning a successful establishment in the North American market. In total, OVH owns no less than 19 data centers, including 16 in France and 2 in the United States, a great success that is likely to evolve in view of its stock market projects. Indeed, the versatility of OVH’s services attracts in addition to businesses and web professionals, the general public is particularly attracted by the affordable shared hosting offers.

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Surprisingly, only 40% of OVH’s turnover is established in France, this proves that the French company is increasingly establishing itself internationally. Note that theacquisition by OVH of vCloudAir, a business owner of the VMware technology is no stranger to the success of OVH. This has enabled the company to establish itself in high-demand markets and thereby extend their notoriety on a global scale.
because last March, the company had to face a colossal outage in its main datacenter, in Roubaix. In fact on March 31, many French sites and services such as cloud gaming were unavailable for forty minutes! a failure which remains to this day without explanation and which we hope will not happen again.