kubernetes vs docker

What are the differences between Docker and Kubernetes?

In principle, Docker and Kubernetes are complementary tools, but have great disparities. The first takes care of the management of Linux containers, while the second manages their orchestration. In addition to this major difference, other points make it possible to differentiate these two terms. Let’s find out together in this article.

Definition of Docker

Developing an application involves different processes: management of languages ​​and interfaces, use of different frameworks, etc. This is where Docker comes into play. It is a way for users to get to know an application better as part of its development. It is thanks to this that application execution problems are limited. Docker also provides an overview of the application’s presentation to the network, both in terms of appearance and storage usage and in terms of off-site access authorization. ‘application. In short, it is a technique that makes containers easier to manage.

Docker simplifies application configuration, boosts productivity and runs applications in isolation. Additionally, it also helps in managing the security of the application. Moreover, we currently find various applications running on Docker.

Definition of Kubernetes

It is a container management tool, a complementary job to that of Docker. In addition to automating the deployment, management and launch of applications, this portable open source platform contributes to their updates. Created by Google, it orchestrates the scheduling of containers on clusters while taking care of the workload. Kubernetes is also known as k8s and Kube.

With Kubernetes, manual application processes are automated and loads become more balanced, even when there is traffic to the container. Kubernetes also has the advantage of restoring failed containers by restarting, replacing or deleting them based on the user-defined template. Additionally, it allows users to build their own storage system themselves.

Docker or Kubernetes?

These are two completely different technologies. As a result, their comparison is not even possible. Docker and Kubernetes do not directly compete, although they are related. By definition, Docker is a container platform, while Kubernetes is a tool for scheduling containers across multiple machines. They each have their own roles and are complementary.

Docker and Kubernetes are similar in the following ways:

  • Written in Go
  • Attracted by microservices
  • Use YAML files

Theoretically, most apps run smoothly. On the other hand, details about their functionality can only be observed once the application is launched. To ensure the success of the application, certain parameters must be taken into account:

  • The economic side
  • The increase in turnover
  • The level of downtime reduction
  • The resource economy
  • Rectification of human errors
  • The increase in computing power
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If you are adopting a microservices-based architecture, Docker containers are more suitable. As for Kubernetes, it is a scalable technology boosted by its open-source platform. For each service, it uses the plugins provided by the company. Note that these plugins weaken the security of the application. A cloud-based hosting solution is therefore recommended to better anticipate these risks.

When to use Docker or Kubernetes?

Using Docker is recommended to manage complex applications to configure in a portable container. Docker is often used when an application is suitable for containers or does not necessarily require a GUI.

Kubernetes makes it possible to ensure the proper execution of an application. It intervenes when a container is not functioning correctly. Its use is recommended for businesses that commit to multiple cloud providers. Indeed, Kube works the same way on any system, hence its name “vendor independent”.

Given this complementarity between these two technologies, we must ask ourselves how they can become competitors. The answer lies in Docker Swarm.

Are there alternatives to Kubernetes?

Among the orchestration tools that can replace Kubernetes, we find in particular: Docker Swarm, Ouvrir Shift, Mesos, Minikube, Nomade, Kontena, Amazon ECS, Rancher and Marathon Apache. However, Kubernetes remains the most widely used of all. On the other hand, Docker Swarm also stood out for its performance.

Definition and operation of Docker Swarm

This internal container management tool is used for clustering and scheduling. This technology is used to manage multiple containers deployed across an entire network of computers. To simplify its integration into a Docker environment, it leverages the standard Docker API and networking.

Secured by certificates, Docker Swarm operates in reverse accounting using a resilient architecture. This dynamic technology provides a “just works” user experience.

Kubernetes or Docker Swarm?

These two tools offer practically the same options, except in terms of their operating modes. Kubernetes allows applications to be deployed using different services and microservices. Installing an application is manual. In contrast, running Kubernetes requires a command line interface and knowledge of the common language framework. Kube can handle different logging versions of services. Thanks to its complex system, scaling is slowed down and communication between pods is simpler.

As for Docker Swarm, it is possible to deploy applications as services or microservices in a Swarm cluster. The use of a YAML file is possible to indicate a multi-container. Compared to Kubernetes, installing an application is simpler in Docker Swarm. As it is a Docker tool, Swarm uses the same common language, thereby increasing the execution speed of the tool. When it comes to logging, only third-party applications benefit from monitoring. The use of a monitoring tool, such as Reimann, is therefore recommended. Docker Swarm runs faster than Kubernetes, resulting in faster scaling and optimized networking.

In short…

Docker and Kubernetes are not rival technologies, but rather complementary. The comparison is more between Docker Swarm, the Docker orchestration tool, and Kubernetes. However, the latter remains more popular than Docker Swarm.