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What is BPO aka Business Process Outsourcing?

Business Process Outsourcing, also known as BPO, is a method of outsourcing business processors. Indeed, when a company wishes to launch a specific project internally, an external service provider can take care of it entirely for it. If BPO arouses your curiosity, the rest of this article is likely to interest you.

Outsourcing definition

To carry out certain tasks that require certain know-how or specialization, a company must call on specialists, often externally and who are able to carry them out in the best possible conditions. This process, called Business Process Outsourcing in the jargon simply consists of outsource business processes or more simply, to subcontract specific tasks.

What is BPO or Business Process Outsourcing?

Outsourcing of services known as BPO consists for a company of entrust a service provider with a task partially or in its entirety. This task may consist of a specialty or profession not present internally and for which it would be impossible to process by company employees.

Basic, outsource or offshore a task or profession is one of the common business practices requiring highly qualified specifications. This practice was often employed in industry and manufacturing but many other companies in the tertiary domain are using it more and more often.

In technical fields such as computer science and engineering, businesses promote the outsourcing of processes requiring high-level qualifications. SEO, the development of internal applications or the management of the company’s network are among the most common missions in the field of a BPO. Some companies do not hesitate to relocate either. certain areas of activity in full.

BPO: What are the advantages?

THE Business Process Outsourcing offers many advantages among which, it will be possible to save money consequent in the technical process management. For example, using a foreign supplier allows you to benefit from advantageous rates. The fact ofoutsource your process can also allow you to pay less taxes and gain flexibility. As you can see, using a BPO contract offers flexibility that is not possible in-house without substantial resources.

Another advantage of BPO, by outsourcing certain missions which are not part of the company’s specialties, you will be able to focus on your specialties while benefiting from the know-how of your service provider. What establish yourself in a market through perfection of each process.

On the service provider side, the latter is generally specialized in his field is able, within the framework of a umbrella company, to make you win time in carrying out the task.

BPO: What risks?

Although attractive at first glance, BPO does not only offer advantages. It is good to know that every company that commits to outsourcing or subcontracting your production exposes yourself to risks. This can range from a simple data leak to legal risks in certain cases.

In the event of poor security of your computer network, this leaves an open door to cybercriminals and at the same time, a boon for the operators of malware and other ransomware who give pride of place to blackmailers.

BPO can also present disadvantages from a commercial point of view. Indeed, although once production has been launched on the basis of an established quote, nothing protects you from the unexpected and therefore, additional costs. Therefore, it is imperative to do not neglect to allow a margin when calculating the total cost of a mission.

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Also, according to the locating a BPO provider, some local rules such as cultural or even language, quite simply, may cause unforeseen circumstances. Before embarking on this field and choosing your service provider, it is therefore imperative to consider all unforeseen circumstances precisely to avoid having to face it.

Big Data and BPO

Big Data offers certain advantages but small businesses clearly don’t have the cash flow necessary to hire one or more analysts or even to set up an infrastructure capable of processing the data. Business Process Outsourcing represents an excellent alternative for this. and allows small structures to benefit from Big Data.

In the same way as for manufacturing or other fields taking full advantage of the advantages of BPO,e Big Data turns out to be cut out for this practice. Indeed, in addition to reduce overall costs, calling on a service provider for this mission will allow you to concentrate your human resources on your main activity. Furthermore, the results obtained by Big Data experts will be much more reliable.

Before considering have your Big Data project processed by a subcontractor, it is imperative to define your goals in advance and your needs. Your strategy thus established can be approved by the professional responsible for the project but without a guideline, it will be difficult to achieve results that match your originally planned Big Data strategy.

Choose a service provider specializing in data analysis and mastering Big Data tools such as Hadoop is also strongly recommended. If the latter has a experience in your field of activity, this can also promote their understanding of your strategy and so, improve its overall efficiency as well as the quality of the results obtained.

So that your subcontractor can process your data in the best possible way, you should also not hesitate to invest in the best Big Data tools on the market, you will gain in productivity but also in the reliability of the results obtained. As for the data itself, also consider including in your contract, respect and compliance with the GDPR. Since these data are private data, we must not skimp on resources on this point. Safety first !

Business Process Reimagining: Artificial intelligence at the service of BPO

Artificial intelligence and Robotic Process Automation have recently impacted the market Business Process Outsourcing. The term business process re imagination simply concerns the reinvention of services that depend on AI and RPA technologies and this allowsimprove current BPO projects but also, promote the implementation of shared services at the heart of businesses.

Automation is a process that is important to know how to master. Particularly in the field of data processing, automation makes it possible to reduce the error rate but also, improve performance and speed.

By combining the technologies of cloud computing and thetask automation, even the complex databases and massive will be processed more efficiently. Automating data processing will allow companies to gain productivity. Although in the field of BPO artificial intelligence and automation bring many advantages, it is not the same for all sectors because many professionals have lost numerous contract opportunities and even for some, their work.